2025年3月15日 星期六
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学术讲座【An integrated remote sensing and landscape ecology approach to the relationship between urban landscape and urban heat island】






专家简介:Dr. Qihao Weng is currently a Professor of geography and the Director of the Center for Urban and Environmental Change at Indiana State University, USA. In 2009, he visited NASA as a Senior Research Fellow. He is also a Guest/Adjunct Professor at Peking University, Beijing Normal University, Wuhan University and Fujian Normal University, and a Guest Research Scientist at Beijing Meteorological Bureau.
    His research focuses on remote sensing analysis of urban ecological and environmental systems, GIS applications, land-use and land-cover change, urbanization impacts, and human-environment interactions. Dr. Weng is the author of more than 130 peer-refereed journal articles and other publications and 5 books. He has been the recipient of some significant awards, including the Outstanding Contributions Award in Remote Sensing sponsored by American Association of Geographers (AAG) Remote Sensing Specialty Group (2011), the Erdas Award for Best Scientific Paper in Remote Sensing (1st place) by American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS, 2010), NASA senior fellowship (2009), the Robert E. Altenhofen Memorial Scholarship Award by ASPRS (1999), and the Best Student-Authored Paper Award by International Geographic Information Foundation (1998). At Indiana State University, he received the Theodore Dreiser Distinguished Research Award in 2006 (the university’s highest research honor bestowed to its faculty) and Lilly Foundation Faculty Fellow in 2005 (one of the six university-wide). Dr. Weng has worked extensively with optical and thermal remote sensing data, and more recently with LiDAR data. His projects have been funded by NSF, NASA, USGS, USAID, NOAA, National Geographic Society, and Indiana Department of Natural Resources. At Indiana State, he teaches courses on remote sensing, digital image processing, remote sensing-GIS integration, GIS, and environmental modeling, and has mentored 10 doctoral and 7 master students. Professionally, Dr. Weng is the Task Leader for GEO’s SB-04, Global Urban Observation and Information (2012-15).
    In addition, he serves as an Associate Editor of ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, an Associate Editor of Spatial Hydrology, and is the series editor for both Taylor & Francis Series in Remote Sensing Applications, and McGraw-Hill Series in GIS&T. His past service included as a National Director of American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (2007-2010), Chair of AAG China Geography Specialty Group (2010-2011), and the Secretary of ISPRS Working Group VIII/1 (Human Settlement and Impact Analysis, 2004-08), as well as a member of U.S. DOE’s Cool Roofs Roadmap and Strategy Review Panel in 2010.
